The WHOLE Trinity, Salt Mother, Sulfur Father, Mercury Child

This article is where i am now,  it is a long way from the early days of this blog.. I have become the astrologer i am. please find me here for your alchemical readings… we leave now 2,000yrs in The age of Pisces, a time of religion deceit and Pie Rats, Pisces is I BELIEVE and those days are over, we enter Aquarius. I KNOW .. This article is basically describing the fall of man, as the Sun rises in Aries, it falls in Libra, mars rules Aries, Venus rules Libra, both male signs .. there are 22 letters in the Alfa Bet, alpha Omega is CATCH 22, 2020 is the Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction. the lineal end of the Bow Hemian RAT Sodomies,  The God of WAR Aries, is still how our Tropical astrology is fixed, it is still the FAKE LORD of LUCIFER LOL… we are not on the correct cross, Aries was 4,000 yrs ago it now prepares to rise into Aquarius the Twin peak Age of SATURN when we are G OLD … This means that Winter is GOOD, it is where we are meant to be now, Saturn rules the Winter Twin age, Solstice not Jupiter, Zeus, Jesus. It’s a fake merging of Venus in Libra playing the role of Capricorn Highest cardinal EARTH Female when Venus is male and Mercury playing the role of Fixed Heaven Aquarius as Gemini male.. Thats TWO PETER PAN MEN … The time has come to KNOW and to step off the road to HELL.

The Age of Gemini was the age of PETER PAN Mercury the child before sexual maturity. Jupiter became Phosphorus the fake LIGHT and Sulfur/Saturn/God was lost, we became dis eased.

The thing that is sown is perishable, but what is raised is imperishable. The thing that is sown is contemptible, but what is raised is glorious. The thing that is sown is weak, but what is raised is powerful. When it is sown it embodies the soul (psyche), when it is raised it embodies the spirit (pneuma).
I Corinthians 15:42-44.

Grease Lightening is indeed needed in Greece .. Greece was the age of Gemini Peter PAN I THINK mutable Air, the child before sex, when Man discovered Trick or Treat .. he could be both Passive and Active.. The wisdom was stolen from The Scales of Libra when Scorpio and Libra were one age,  and Heaven Aquarius and Earth Capricorn was ONE age too… We had 10 Months December is 10 the X Over into WINTER SATURNS GOLDEN AGE not JEW PETER JUPITERS Underworld anymore..  that is why 7/11 is 9/11 because 7 is SEPTember not November 9 …  when we had 10 months of the year… men and women being equal was lost and men associated Intellectualism with Homosexuality it was the BI BULL of Alderbarren and the Philosophers sWORD in the sTONE The Snake .. the Holy Grail or the Snake on the Pole.of Wisdom lost … when we were ONE… The Ruler up the Snake on the Polaris Spine/Penis is the 23, 5 inch degree tilt crap trap.. .. 

Make no mistake about it : MOST Athenian Greek pictures you can see in world-class museums if you care to ask to view their complete collections (as many pedophiles do and are shown on request if they do it with discretion) of vase paintings and frescoes about education or pedagogy are about pederasty, as MOST classical texts about Athenian or Athenian-style education were about boy love relationships first and foremost.  In that way they managed to have a whole elite class think according to the same format.  It worked so well it endured through the whole of Roman Empire for the richest Roman elite to have their sons educated in that way only.
Ancient Athens was not a city of art and culture, it was a city of banking, piracy, espionage and mind-control. 

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“In classical antiquity, writers such as Herodotus,[1] Plato,[2] Xenophon,[3] Athenaeus[4] and many others explored aspects of homosexuality in ancient Greece. The most widespread and socially significant form of same-sex sexual relations in ancient Greece was between adult men and pubescent or adolescent boys, known as pederasty (marriages in Ancient Greece between men and women were also age structured, with men in their thirties commonly taking wives in their early teens).[5] Though sexual relationships between adult men did exist, at least one member of each of these relationships flouted social conventions by assuming a passive sexual role. It is unclear how such relations between women were regarded in the general society, but examples do exist as far back as the time of Sappho.[6]
The ancient Greeks did not conceive of sexual orientation as a social identifier as modern Western societies have done. Greek society did not distinguish sexual desire or behavior by the gender of the participants, but rather by the role that each participant played in the sex act, that of active penetration or passive penetrated.[6] This active/passive polarization corresponded with dominant and submissive social roles: the active (penetrative) role was associated with masculinity, higher social status, and adulthood, while the passive role was associated with femininity, lower social status, and youth.”

The image of coagulation—with Sulphur as the coagulating agent, Mercury as the coagulated substance, and Salt as the resulting form—is used repeatedly by Schwaller. [79] The formal articulation of this idea, as published in his mature œuvre, connects the motif to the embryological process:

In biology, the great mystery is the existence, in all living beings, of albumin or albuminoid (proteinaceous) matter. One of the albuminoid substances is coagulable by heat (the white of the egg is of this type), another is not. The albuminoid substance carrying the spermatozoa is of this latter type. The albuminoid sperm cannot be coagulated because it carries the spermatozoa that coagulate the albuminoid substance of the female ovum. As soon as one spermatozoon has penetrated the ovum, this ovum coagulates on its surface, thus preventing any further penetration: fertilisation has occurred. (In reality, this impenetrability is not caused by a material obstacle, the solid shell, but by the fact that the two equal energetic polarities repel one another). The spermatozoon therefore plays the role of a “vital coagulating fire” just as common fire coagulates the feminine albumin. This is the action of a masculine fire in a cold, passive, feminine environment. Here also, there are always material carriers for these energies, but they manifest the existence of an energy with an active male aspect and a passive female aspect that undergoes or submits to it. Ordinary fire brutally coagulates the white of an egg, but the spermatozoon coagulates it gently by specifying it into the embryo of its species. This image shows that the potentiality of the seed passes to a defined effect through the coagulation of a passive substance, similar to the action of an acid liquid in an alkaline liquid, which forms a specified salt. Now the sperm is no more acid than the male albumin, but it plays in the animal kingdom [animalement] the same role as acid; ordinary fire is neither male nor acid and yet it has a type of male and acid action. This and other considerations incline the philosopher to speak of an Activity that is positive, acid and coagulating, without material carrier, and of a Passivity, a substance that is negative, alkaline, and coagulable, also without material carrier. From their interaction results the initial, not-yet-specified coagulation, the threefold Unity, which is also called the “Creative Logos” (Word, Verbe) because the Logos, as speech, only signifies the name, that is, the definition of the “specificity” of things. [80]

To salt as the mean term between the agent and patient of coagulation, he occasionally adds other revealing expressions, such as the following:

In geometry, in a triangle, the given line is Mercury, the Angles are Sulphur, and the resultant triangle is Salt. [81]

the Sun and the Moon are the solar/Lunar plexus its the safest mid el even place to be.. between 7 chakras and 4 Tunes is 11 EL even, But the red Pill Blue Pill AR/RA is run by the sun and moon sol O Mon Gang.. Solar is Religion and Lunar is Occult Black Magicians that stole the secrets of ALCHEMY. They use humans as On/Off batteries until we sway no more… Once we become the captain of our ships we can not be infiltrated no more because Only the centrifugal force, the female touch, the GAP is neutral balanced and aligned.  The Snake on the Pole is the WISDOM of Sophia taken by the Lost Boys…

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The wisdom is the brightest Third eye Fixed Star Fomalhaut that is above the mid EL pyramid of Giza, the peter Pan Boys of Egypt and Greece was the age of GEMINI, TO THINK, The Phosphorus gang that hid the Sulfur … They worship the Third eye of Aldebaran the BULLS EYE The fake Illumination that comes from the Flesh of Sodomy.

Nothing happens with out the 4 Seasons, that’s our Four Tune, the four elements need to blend into each quarter,  The medicine wheel is the  journey of the hero through the cycles,  each quarter has 3 parts Mutable Liquid, Solid Fixed, and Cardinal Gas.


In this configuration (which prefigures the discussion of de Lubicz’s colour theory undertaken elsewhere), one begin to see the hermetic “problem” of salt, i.e. its mysterium. Salt partakes of something that stands between water and fire (Pythagoras’ ‘purest sources’) in a way that is intimately related to earth, to which it imparts its dryness. Here one finds an imbroglio that suggests at once an element and a principle. Its connection to fire is felt in the hermetic associations of the elements (the sulphuric triad, fire and air, is characterised by heat; the mercurial triad, air and water, is characterised by humidity or wetness, while the saline triad, water and earth, is characterised by coldness; however, it salt’s dryness—its desiccating quality—can only come from fire. Visser’s remarks, once again, prove cogent and penetrating:

Salt, once isolated, is white and glittering. It is the opposite of wet. You win it by freeing it from water with the help of fire and the sun, and it dries out flesh. Eating salt causes thirst. Dryness, in the pre-Socratic cosmic system which still informs our imagery, is always connected with fire, heat, and light.


Thus, inherent to salt is an equal participation in fire, sulphur and heat (+) and water, mercury, and wetness (–), such that it may be analogised with a chemical neutralisation reaction in which the positive and negative values become electrically equalised. This neutral condition is for Schwaller the very ground of being in which we are existentially and phenomenologically situated (‘everything in nature, being a formed Species, will be Salt’). Thus, to see existence—reality as we know it—as a neutralisation reaction between an active sulphuric function (divinity, logos, eidos) and passive mercurial substance (prima materia), to perceive the coagulating sulphur and the nourishing mercury through the “cinnabar” of all things, this is to “find” the philosopher’s stone. It is fundamentally, for Schwaller, a metaphysics of perception.

The Pyramids of Giza are placed on the EYE of Fomalhaut, the true 3rd eye, opposite is the Sphinx on the star of Regulus, That is the Head  and the Feet of JESUS on the Cross or MAN stuck with no more ability to SPIN or Weave as in the Matriarchal ages of harmony and wisdom. The CROSS is upside down,  the Sol O Mon gang want to seal us below the belt. Their Fake EYE is the BULLS eye, Aldebaran was is in the age of Taurus in the Bulls eye, That was the age of Greece to modern day. When the age of Aquarius is on the correct equinox, opposite Leo the Spinx, the lions gates, we can all be aligned again for the Golden age.

We enter the age of SATURN the Golden age but we are on the wrong equinox because of the fake 23,5 tilt crap please watch videos…

The four royal stars with their modern and ancient names:

Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri – Watcher of the East – Tascheter) Vernal Equinox is the brightest star in the constellation Taurus

Regulus (Alpha Leonis – Watcher of the South – Venant) Summer Solstice is the brightest star in the constellation Leo

Antares (Alpha Scorpii – Watcher of the West – Satevis) Autumnal Equinox is the brightest star in the constellation Scorpius

Fomalhaut (Alpha Piscis – Watcher of the North – Haftorang/Hastorang) Winter Solstice is the brightest star in the constellation Piscis Austrinus

That’s why we enter the last age before complete take over of our Psyche or we wake up..we turn led Clay Adam Atom to G OLD The white horseman the Unicorn, is the Winter Solstice of becoming ONE the UN i CORN when the Pyramids of Giza hit the correct Aquarius spring equinox.. when we make the SHIFT within us, not still stuck on Angry RAM Aries, Follow the Lamb, the innocence and wisdom of the child and thy EYE shall be ONE . Saturn is GRACE 63 and Jupiter is RA when I AM 64.


Each season has 3 decants, 3 months to swell and evaporate into, The first part of the season is Cardinal then Fixed then Mutable.  In chemistry this is known as  Gas Solid and Liquid in Physics its known as The neutron the Proton and the Electron. In religion it’s known as the father the Son and the Holy Ghost,  in Life its known as The Mother the Father and The child, within us it’s known as Mind Body and spirit.

This trinity represents the earthly powers Lucifer, Ahriman, and Christ, but also as the Father, the Mother, and the Son;  masculine, feminine, and love;  Yang, Yin, and Tao;  Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu;  Rajas, Tamas, and Sattva;  Pingala, Ida, and Sushumna;  Sun, Moon, and Earth;  Chaos, Order, and Life;  Energy, Substance, and Consciousness;  right, left, and center cross at Golgotha;  right, left, and center pillar of Kabbalah; and  the three soul elements: sentient soul (Orektikon, nephesch), mind and heart soul (Kinetikon, ruach), and consciousness or spirit soul (Dianoetikon, n’schamah).

Small doses of phosphorus and sulfur have the effect of throwing out the astral body, which has stablished itself too strongly in the physical and etheric bodies. Sulfur works more on the astral body, phosphorus more on the ego. The ego, however, because it organizes the astral body throughout, actually acts in concert with it.

In olden times men did not use the abstract word think to express something that arose in the mind as a picture. When a real knower spoke about ‘thinking’ he spoke of the salt-process just described. Nor did he speak in an abstract way of the ‘will’ but of the astral forces laying hold of the airy element in man, of the sulphur-process from which the will is born. Willing was a process of concrete reality and it was said that the adjustment between the two — for they are opposite processes — was brought about by the mercury-process, by that which is fluid and yet has form, which swings to and fro from the etheric nature to the astral nature, from the fluidic to the aeriform. The abstract ideas which were gradually evolved by Scholasticism and have since been adopted by modern science, did not exist for the thinkers of olden times. If they had been confronted with our concepts of thinking, feeling and willing they would have felt rather like frogs in a vessel from which all the air has been pumped. This is how our abstract concepts would have appeared to the thinkers of old. They would, have said: It is not possible for the soul to live or breathe with concepts like this. For the thinkers of old never spoke of a purely abstract will-process, of a purely abstract thought-process, but of a salt-process, of a sulphur-process, and they meant thereby, something that on the one hand is of the nature of soul-and-spirit and on the other of a material-etheric nature. To them, this was a unity and they perceived how the soul works everywhere in the bodily organism.

From numerous ancient sources describing the nature of salt, one arrives at the view that salt’s piquant effect was seen to extend beyond the sensation on the tongue.  Salt stimulated not only the appetite but desire in general.  And because desire polarises the religious impulse more than anything else—a path of liberation to some, a hindrance to others—it is understandable why the Egyptians, according to Plutarch, ‘make it a point of religion to abstain completely from salt’. [29] Equally, one can understand how salt, as an aphrodisiac, was connected specifically to the cult of Aphrodite, the goddess of desire par excellence. As Plutarch notes, the stimulating nature of eroticism evoked by the feminine is expressed using the very language of salt:


For this reason perhaps, feminine beauty is called ‘salty’ and ‘piquant’ when it is not passive, nor unyielding, but has charm and provocativeness. I imagine that the poets called Aphrodite ‘born of brine’ […] by way of alluding to the generative property of salt.

The Trinity is the spin, it is how we weave between a balance of Spirit, Flesh and LOVE … to find unity within the whole. I live in the Village of Aignan that is the 32nd department or 32nd vertebrae of GRACE before 33 crucifixion .. The Labyrinth is on the Church of Saturn in the road of Saturnia.. before Saturn was known as the true end of the cycle and the Golden age of WISDOM and Old age is G for GOLD.. Araignée is like Aignan because Innana not Indianna Jones,  was the original Goddess of weaving electro/magnetic Life…. Sulpher Salt and Mercury …. Cardinal Fixed and mutable … Neutron Proton Electron There is always a centrifugal Force between left and right, the vortex, the IRIS the Black sun is the abyss, the GAP. we are meant to be it.

Nothing, transmutes,  without this Bunsen Burner process of Mutable/Mercury/Liquid Solid/Salt/Fixed and Cardinal/Sulpher/Gas.. This is why Lots wife turned into a Salt Pillar she became aware of the material realm, she bit the App of EL , we were FIXED to the Solid Salt realm.. we fell, into human form. The Eagle of wisdom became Scorpio, Female Water and Libra OMEGA, Male Air became the END Catch 22 .. Aries Libra is Alpha Omega the demi ARC URGE… the SNAKE on the Pole the dung Scarab beetle split into Four Beatles, when I am 64 or 46. The Four tune or GOLD Chest is two Halves of 32 to be 64 GOLD or two strands of 23 twin Dna to be FLESH trapped at 46.

64 is the GOLDEN AGE 144 is 12 x 12 is 144 and 72 + 72 is 144 each age of 2, 200yrs the SUN/SON moves 72 degrees so the GOLDEN AGE is the age of SATURN rules Aquarius Fixed AIR Male HEAVEN and Capricorn EARTH Cardinal .. the 23, 5 tilt is our 23 DNA strands trapped in FLESH…..

The claws of the Eagle that once held Her Scales of Wisdom became the snake on the pole, Libra became Omega the Judge the Tribe of DAN is DNA, One became TWO Dub EllE Twin Helix DNA flesh trap. We have been in the underworld ever since, Phesperone is Sophia, Lilith is Mary Magdalene, The Virgin Mary, the Goddess the weaver Innana of the web, the High Priestess Ma Tricks became nothing more than a whore and Ishtar, The ISIS the Eye became a Lie, it’s all cycles.

We went from 10 month lunar Matriarchal 360 day year calendar to an 11 month calendar to a 12 month 365 day calendar and now they want 13. Its out of Beat we are being merged into a FAKE synchronicity, its an inside job to balance your Fire Earth, Air and Water as ONE to become Areatha Ether quite Franklin again.  The Cross is he ANTI CHRIST its the under ARC of the Jew Petes Tsar WHEEL … as the chakra system has been inverted so have we… been pinned to the Fixed cross never knowing that we can be the cardinal Mutable and fixed at ONCE …. GOD OF THE UNDER WORLD is JUPITER he rules the LOWER chakras of DESIRE, the ages we have spent under the horizon we became upside down and inside out…..

The true Lord of the TWIN PEAKS is SATURN he rules the WINTER Solstice of ABOVE where we head NOW but the Jew Pete ARYANS don’t want to let Go of the SPIN Swastika


There is a magic cycle to complete, it’s a game, we come in at different degrees of the Motive so we find our own plot. We can fluctuate or stagnate. The pendulum of the Planets that accord our organs … The symbol of Saturn is an upside down 42 and Jupiter is the symbol of 42 upright.. Jupiter rules the Under World and Saturn is the Golden Oldie AGE .. The WINTER Solstice stolen by Jupiter/Zeus/Jesus … Observe the BEAT of the planets that TUNE in our FourTune…… to be the whole picture we need to see it ….


Sun 360 degree cycle per day

Moon 28 day cycle

Mercury 2 n half Month cycle

Venus 9 Month Birth cycle.

Mars 2 n half yr cycle

Jupiter 12 yr cycle

Saturn 29 yr cycle

Uranus 84 yr cycle that’s 42 + 42 the Arc when WHOLE we escape the WHEEL .. Saturn is the last visible planet to the human eye.. when we are OLD g OLD.

Neptune 164 yrs per cycle

Pluto 250 yr cycle


Persephone was in the dark so pinned to the T in the sTONE testOSterone, she became the Philosophers STONE Lott’s wife turned to Salt, struck by the 007 bond AGE sWORD in the sTONE,  a four tune TONE. The wisdom of the snake was stuck on the Pole for no man dared look into her Omega Libra eyes as equal. NO she had to fall to me Too level.  Venus became the partner to Peter Pan mercury, But Venus is Lucifer where the Sun falls in Libra/Omega.. Two Little Boys could play Cardinal Gas for a day and a night. She let him, she waited silently, for hell hath no fury like that of a scorned woman. The wisdom was owned now by Mars MALE Aries Alpha and  Venus Libra MALE Omega both male … we became split from our other half. Adam created his Stepford Wife, from HIM Is Rib is Lamb is ISMAM, making Tranny Baphomet Eve, Lilith was banned from the garden and Ishtar took the place of Innana . Lot’s Wife in Jerusalem turned to SALT MATTER MA TRICKS .. when she turned to SEE what the peter PAN men had done, Sodom and Gomorrah is where the blind will end their journey trapped in the Flesh.


It was all about BLOOD LINE … Irish had the RH Negative FEMALE DIVINE LINE now the DNA Flesh Breeding is done… Mary Ryan my Great Grand Mother was sold to My Grand Father Sir Henry Cotton East Indian Company for the BLUE EYED BLOOD LINE The Pie Rats needed our BLOOD ….  

This practice of interbreeding Irish females with African men went on for several decades and was so widespread that, in 1681, legislation was passed “forbidding the practice of mating Irish slave women to African slave men for the purpose of producing slaves for sale.” In short, it was stopped only because it interfered with the profits of a large slave transport company.

The THIRD eye is AQUARIUS Fomalhaut the Fixed CROSS .. its 007 the mid eLLe is HER our balance SATURN is SPIRIT .. Aquarius is our 3rd eye I KNOW … Fomalhaut (α Piscis Austrini) is a class A star on the main sequence approximately 25 light-years (7.7 pc) from the Sun. It is the brightest star in the constellation of Piscis Austrinus and at magnitude 1.2 is one of the brightest stars in the sky.


Salt = White Horse = A Problem is introduced into the innocent beginnings of the Nation or “Experiment”

Sulfur = Red Horse = A Reaction takes place to the Problem.

Mercury = Black Horse = A Pre-prepared “Solution” (involving Union/Joining/Synthesis) is suggested and promoted as the ultimate answer to the Problem.

V.I.T.R.I.O.L. = Pale Horse = Dissolve and repeat as necessary to achieve desired outcome.

The final goal in all of this will be of course to bring about “THE ONE”…

Daniel 2:43

“And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay”

What are some of the other clues we can on find Tria Prima in Scripture?

We will start with ‘Salt’ or the ‘Feminine Principle’ of “Daughters of Men”.

One of the strangest transformations in the Bible involves Lot’s Wife at Sodom and Gomorrah…

Genesis 19:26

“But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt

She literally turned into a Woman of Salt (WOS) as she looked back towards the ruined cities…

Lot’s wife turned to SALT/STONE 


We have been stuck on a 23 , 5 degree tilt 1, 700 yrs out of 2, 200 years in the total FOG of sleeping beauty, there are 30 degrees in each zodiac sign and house. That means 23, 5 people out of 30 will not make the alchemical leap back to GOLD, they will remain in the 365 day year cycle, of matter to fact, its all mind over matter. We are purified and refined again within the well and the filters of life and death. Alpha Omega is Two Twin DNA MALE Boys, as ONE.

This is what Tropical Astrology has done… and the 23, 5 tilt of earth crap.. This is the Jew Peter Jupiter Outta space 23 twin DNA/DAN Flesh trap.. we are STUCK on the wrong astrology AGE!!! the wheel is stuck on a broken old 33 inch record time WARP .. the age of Pisces the PI Rats was about us being asleep, time was stopped, so to make time go backwards … 23, 5 out of 30 people are on the wrong path .. Pisces was the age of deception and illusion, the Arc of the covenant was made. the bridge over troubled water is the bridge to Simon and Garfunkel /Sodom and Gomorrah, we are being led into a sick trap.. The Ark stopped the spin of the pole.. only we can break the spell TIME is SATURN .. SPACE IS JUPITER .. you gotta be at the right place at the right time 2020 is Catch 22 when Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct on the winter solstice… we are being taken inter outta space!! cause there is none.. we are the masters of the EVEN✝️ Cross 🕛⚔️✝️of the whole ☯️and of the spin ☸️ .. The Alef/Tav Alpha Omega is the Demi Urge ARC of Aries Exaltation and Libra FALL .. we have been trapped on the Alpha Omega Aries Libra equinox… and they want to keep us trapped as time goes backwards its the FAKE light of JUPITER/ZEUS/JESUS/Outer SPACE who stole the throne of the winter solstice

The age of the TWIN Dub LL 0077  takes two 7 demi Urge ARCs to make a whole HerO cycle..  SATURN is the true Lord of the cycle of led to Gold, completed .. 

SATURN/CHRONUS/TIME/INNERspace TWIN PEAKS SATURN/CHRONUS rules the Golden age of Aquarius/Capricorn .. we need enough people to put their light on in time.. to be the third eye.. to be the Mid EL Even to be the eye of the beholder and to not be swayed as on/Off Tesla coils batteries any more.. we are masters of our own space and Time

Alpha Omega is the demi Urge because it’s a 7 ray rain Bow arc de ciel … what goes up must come down. The primordial Pulse that comes from a soaring hose of water is CARDINAL the ARC that follows is the FIXED Cross and the drops of water that fall from the ARC is MUTABLE Rain, that is the rain bow. There is a point that we can join with our other half as Persephone finds Summer again we can be a whole drop again. We are each 6 months of the real deal, as above so below. As soon as we observe this, the horizon and the Polaris, the spell is broken and we are able to cross over. As Alice in Wonderland. WE can all spin Straw to Gold it’s all part of the process.

The ANchor is the Demi Urge, the UPSIDE down Arc puts the Sun and the Moon at the TOP!!! when the Winter Solstice Aquarius and Capricorn are at the TOP not LOL Lucifer our Lord but  Spirit SATURN, TIME not Flesh Space…  Mary Magdalene, reduced to a whore where she was once the Goddess, The Sun falls in Libra rises in ARies falls in libRA AR/RA The PIE Rats of the WHEEL divided and conquered to keep us Halved in two.. Catch 22, is 2020 when Saturn and Jupiter meet on the throne of SATURN the Winter Solstice, is the home of Chronos NOT Jupiter..  The Omega is Half the ANKH .. Made into a CROSS with a a serpent on it… or the ANCHOR that keeps us in the lower chakras .. The empty LOST boys, the Sultans of Swing the Philosophers who stole the Fille Of Sophie… Pesperone went into the under world for 8 months,  it is where we are now, ( ages later, 16, 000yrs of the under current,  from Libra to Pisces is 8 Months .. now we go home to GOLD Saturn…

If ever I drunk a full draught from that vessel of foaming spice, in which all things are well-blent:
If ever my hand fused the nearest to the farthest, fire to spirit, desire to suffering and the worst to the best:
If I myself were a grain of that redeeming salt that makes all things in the vessel well-blent:—
—for there is a salt that binds good with evil; for even the most evil is worthy to be a spice for the final over-foaming—
O how should I not be rutting after eternity and after the conjugal ring of rings—the ring of recurrence!
Never have I found the woman by whom I wanted children, for it would be this woman that I love: for I love you, O Eternity!
For I love you, O eternity!

Unity manifests itself as Trinity. It is the “creatrix” of form, but still not form itself; form emerges through movement, that is, Time and Space. Saturn/Time .. Jupiter/Space
—Schwaller de Lubicz

SATURN and JUPITER is 42 Symbol one reversed one upright Upright is the AntiChrist that stole the upright position, each HALF of the ARC …. Saturn rules The NORTH and JUPITER the SOUTH the Sun and the Moon rule the Underworld we leave now, Jupiter put his Cadaceus wand in the place of the Staff of Saturn.. The DEMI URGE ANTICHRIST until we become masters of our chakras we are SOLAR /LUNAR Sol O Mon sealed in the OFF/ON BUT ARSE ons … It’s been reversed!!!! as we see below …

Zeus stole the throne of our Chromosomes, Chronos. it’s a war between Father Time, Saturn and his Son Space Jupiter, Jesus became king of the winter solstice when the Prosperous phosphorus philosophers became greedy, and took the place of SULPHER GOD .. Persephone went underground so Philosophy Fille O Sophia and the Peter Pan boys could play with complexity, Culture, Mathematics, and science, Chemistry and Biology when all was one before within the wheel. Lucifer the fake light the Sun/Son that falls in Alpha Omega wants to be King of the Chakra system, our seven axis to melt the liquid into Cardinal Gas.. Jupiter rules the Salt and God is the sulfur, Mercury the Pied Piper tricks us with his Father Jupiter, to fall for Lust and greed, for Jupiter is the chakra of desire. Saturn is the G for OLD Crown.

The age of Aquarius Capricorn is the age we become ONE again.. it’s the TWIN PEAKS of our 23, 2 inch tilt trap double HELIX DNA becomes the CROWN Chakra higher beings ..

Jupiter SPACE Saturn TIME we need to be in the MID EL Even 

We think of Jupiter as the planet of increase and expect to prosper under its influence, but the opportunities that it brings are based upon having greater freedom to think and act for ourselves, less inhibited by closed options that normally define our prospects and selections for us. Such freedom calls for conscious awareness of what we do, why we do it, and how we balance the urge for instant gratification against the need to invest in the future. If we fail to acknowledge the value of caution and moderation, we can be fooled into exploiting opportunities that lead towards financial failure, spiritual dissatisfaction, or the boredom and depression that accompanies surfeit and over-indulgence. Jupiter doesn’t offer revenge but allows us to be the architects of our own destruction, giving us enough rope to hang ourselves if we call for it. As the supplier of the bounteous feast, Jupiter knows that those whose greed exceeds necessity will end up sorry that they failed to self-impose propriety.

In Greek mythology Jupiter is Zeus, heavenly father, lord of the day and king of the gods. No star shines as brightly as his; Venus may do so at times, but she is constricted to morning and evening appearances and can never shine brightly from the zenith of heaven. Jupiter’s celestial brilliance portrays vitality, power, strength, and freedom of will. Depictions of Zeus generally show him bearing the symbols of sovereignty that remain in ceremonies of royal investiture today. The laurel crown symbolises a radiance of creative understanding; the sceptre draws divine inspiration down to earth. For Zeus this is often replaced by the lightning bolt, which has the power to illuminate or destroy through its awesome cosmic force.[3] Zeus is freedom loving, unbowing to convention, self indulgent, extremely prolific in offspring, and prepared to chase every opportunity by means foul or fair. But he is also the arbiter of justice whose myths depict the lesson that liberation offers us choices, but choices can lead to chaos. Unless we use our freedom wisely, it may become the source of our own undoing and ultimately return us to restriction. [4]

The last planet we can see with the naked eye (although with fine eyesight in clear skies Uranus can just be seen as well), Saturn represents limits: the limit of our vision, the limit of our body (the skin), and the limits of personal action (the law). Saturn is the structure and the form behind the way things are. It is the Lord of this World, the Lord of Karma and Time, the keeper of Records, and our teacher. It rules the skin, teeth, the organs of hearing, the bones and the knees. With our knees we are able to bend in humility to the way things are, a truth whether or not we respond to it.

Saturn symbolizes limitation, fear, time, structure, karma, consolidation, delays, the father, old age, tests, discipline, collective law/reality, school, teachers, contraction, responsibility, obligation, ambition and Satan.  In the physical body it rules the skin, bones, teeth, knees and ears.

Saturn also represents what you have to do in order to succeed at being who you are. And it shows where you are being tested. Its house position in your chart indicates lessons necessary for fulfilling obligations and responsibilities so personal growth can occur. It is where you must build in self-discipline to work and work hard. Remember, “Saturn delays but does not deny.” It also depicts your experience of your father’s authority, discipline and example. Saturn, in fact, may be an accurate picture of your father, but just as often is not. It, and all the planets for that matter, only represents your response to, or experience of, things in the outside world, not the things in the outside world themselves.

Saturn’s symbol (above) is the crescent of the personality subjugated to and held down by the cross of matter. Only when we bow down to the law of the way things are and pass the tests of material existence can we truly be free to enter the realm of the spirit. He rules Aquarius and Capricorn, The twin Peaks merged where if unafflicted, strength, persistence, and responsibility can be married to being a channel for power, rather than trying to be the power. It is exalted in Libra, the sign of marriage, union and cooperation. What on Earth tests us more and calls for more discipline? It is in its detriment in Cancer, where it hardens and inhibits feelings, nurturing and mothering. In its fall in Aries it blocks the flow of energy, and one can be too self-centered.

We are all Saturn’s children in that our mortal bodies are eventually devoured by father time and our psyches by our parents’ shadows—the latter to the extent to which we do not fight for the light with which we were born, for consciousness. Saturn, however, is not merely our devourer, but our liberator if, while we live, we also learn to bow our will to the way the world is, and more importantly, to who and what we are. The interplay of knowing versus building who we are takes a lifetime, all under the dominion of time. To see Goya’s stark portrayal of Saturn the devourer that he painted directly onto the walls of his house,click here.

Saturn symbolizes our crucifixion in a world of time and space: immortal spirit bound in a mortal, dying body. The end of Dylan Thomas’ Fern Hill beautifully expresses one human experience of Saturn:

“Oh as I was young and easy in the mercy of his means,

Time held me green and dying

Though I sang in my chains like the sea.”

One day Hades, God of the Underworld, saw Persephone and instantly fell in love with her.

Ades (Hades) confided his secret in his brother Zeus, asking for help, so the two of them concocted a plan to trap her. As the girl (Persephone) played with her companions, they caused the ground to split underneath her.

Persephone slipped beneath the Earth and Hades stole her to the Underworld where he made her his wife.

The myth says that Persephone was very unhappy, but after much time, she came to love the cold-blooded Hades and lived happily with him.

The Sun Rose again in Aries that was the age of the Roman people, the Gypsy Kings, Sultans of Swing,  they were the “Sons of Mars”. We leave the age of pisces from Fire to ICE or we make it through to the otherside.

Aries is associated with the metal iron, and iron ore was for the first time smelted and worked into iron swords in Anatolia during the early phase of this era, replacing the heavier, softer-metalled, duller-edged bronze swords of the previous Taurus Age.

Traits of Aries such as ‘initiative’ may suggest the explosion of originality in the development of social aspects, sciences and arts in regions such as Ancient Greece but at the same time traits such as ‘Impulsivity’ may be attributed to the various Wars of the time.

we began to lumber out of our sleep, we were in the age of Iron leaving Copper, We fell in the Age of Libra Omega, because the ARC of the covenant is our ability to make the connection to ourselves to be the MID El EVEN Seven Chakras and Four parts to our brain and alchemical process of elements swirled by the TRINITY … 7 + 4 is 11 The point even the make or break point. 

Now we come out of the lower realms. We can become alchemists, we can break the material Binary code of Bi Bull Bibble Babble separation, the bub of El is an egg an iris that has projection or depression, a convave cavity, a dent that is simply the outer eye ,its as simple as 1 + 2 is 3 and 3 plus 5 is 8 .. the flower of life is where we stand trapped in the rhythms of DNA. The swirl of Aretha is quite franklyn another experience, there is a way to have a foot in each, Babylon or Phoenicia. The light will enter only the mid EL GAP.  The rest is the time warp, phony baloney, faux knee below knee.


Now those spiritual Beings with whom the ancient sages could have real intercourse did not enlighten them only in regard to the vital fluids from which this micro-cosmic universe was born but also in regard to the life-giving air, to the air which man takes in with his breath and which then spreads through his whole organism. This air which spreads itself over the whole of the microcosm, renders the shapes therein indistinct. The wonderful etheric universe in miniature begins, directly the breath contacts it, to become indefinite, That which formerly consisted of a myriad forms, is unified, because the ‘astral’ man lives in the airy element, just as the etheric man lives in the fluids. The astral being of man lives in this airy element and by the breaking up of the etheric thoughts, by the metamorphosis of etheric thoughts into a force, the will is born from the working of the ‘astral man’ in the ‘air man.’ And together with the will there arise the forces of growth which are connected with the will. Rudolf Steiner 

Some might ask why this all-pervasive network of control isn’t talked about or discussed by our “great minds.” Pre-Socratic scholar Peter Kingsley explains it well:


“Everything becomes clear once we accept the fact that scholarship as a whole is not concerned with finding, or even looking for, the truth. That’s just a decorative appearance.  It’s simply concerned with protecting us from truths that might endanger our security; and it does so by perpetuating our collective illusions on a much deeper level than individual scholars are aware of.” (4)

Whoever discovered water, it certainly wasn’t a fish. To leave the “water” or Plato’s cave takes courage and the knowledge (gnosis), not the belief, that there is something beyond the web of control. The path out of the Matrix is not for everyone because it requires dangerous unlearning, unbelieving, disconnecting, and unplugging. No stone can be left unturned within the soul of the seeker, but the reward is beyond anything words and culture could possibly offer.

Astrology can be a great help because it describes the forces that rule this realm while refraining from passing judgement on them. There is no good and bad in astrology, only archetypes driving the powers that shape our existence. Unlike almost any other worldviews, astrology simply aims to find equilibrium between a wide array of equally valued forces.

Plato described the process of leaving the Matrix over 2300 hundred years ago in the Allegory of the Cave:

“…if the prisoners are released and disabused of their error. At first, when any of them is liberated and compelled… to look towards the light, he will suffer sharp pains; the glare will distress him, and he will be unable to see the realities of which in his former state he had seen the shadows…will he not be perplexed? Will he not fancy that the shadows which he formerly saw are truer than the objects which are now shown to him?

He will… grow accustomed to upper world…first he will see the shadows best, next the reflections…in the water…then he will gaze upon the light of the moon and the stars and the spangled heavens…Last he will see himself in his own proper place, and not in another; and he will contemplate himself as he is.”

Every Cycle has a How Wow, HaWa ii Eye Eye Captain flow, like Pendulums of Swiss Watches we go back and forth we breath in and out and we expand and contract…  But we need always that Intention, the life force that is the Joining of two Fingers of two Pillars, of Two sexes, to meet again Half way …  we can be turned on and off, we can turn left and right we can go up and down, all pawns can do that, Alchemy is becoming Captain of your own vessel  .. a vortex of ElectroMagnetic forces propelled by a centrifugal spiral. When you are consciously the EYE of the beholder you are no longer swayed like rock a bye baby… for when the wind blows your cradle will rock and baby will fall.

Hawaii HOW /WOH ii 22 represent the TWO directions of the Wheel Left and Right ..The Alpha beta Alphabet.. Beginning and Ending.. Ascent and Descent of the SUN.. ii is the Two sides of the story.. The 👁️👁️ Captain of Both sides of your BRAIN.. to become the I and the REFLECTION no longer trapped in the DEMI URGE …The Solar ARC is 42 degrees … France 4 Croatia 2 .. ALEF/ I AM/ ARIES/ MARS/FIRE/ and TAV/ YOU ARE/LIBRA/VENUS/AIR/ …. CATCH 22 is the LOOKING GLASS TEST HOW/WOH ii Warning are you still peeking or are you in the MID EL with a Full scale View yet? 🦉🦅 Hawaii is the Heart CHAKRA of EARTH of the Torus field and 22 back to back is your alef/tav HEART the PIE Rats want our Pot of Gold .. are you in the GAP yet 

Heart Chakra~ Maui, Hawaii*:
The Haleakalā volcano on Maui matches the Schumann Resonance at 7.8 cycles per second, the same resonance of our hearts and the natural state of Earth. Maui’s energy is incredibly feminine and abundant. There is a heavenly comfort radiating from the heart chakra and a visceral experience of being taken care of. The whole of the Hawaiian Islands radiant the frequency of the heart and each have distinct energies that represent the separate chakras. The Big Island, for instance, is incredibly rooted bridget leading tour in hawaiiwith the deep active volcano energy from Pelé. Some associate Maui with the sacral chakra within the microcosmic chakra system of the islands.


Wow is the counterpart of the English letter W but also can make sounds like O and U.

Wow is only connectable to the letter before (the letter to the right)
Wow is one of the three letters Alif ( أ ), Wow ( و ), Ya ( ي ) that might be either a consonant or a vowel letter.

Waw/Vav (wāw “hook”) is the sixth letter of the Semitic abjads, including Phoenician wāw Phoenician waw.svg, Aramaic waw Waw.svg, Hebrew vav ו‬, Syriac waw ܘ and Arabic wāw و (sixth in abjadi order; 27th in modern Arabic order).

It represents the consonant [w] (in original Hebrew ), (and [v] in modern Hebrew) if there is a dot in front of or above the vav, it represents the vowels [u] or [o].

It is the origin of Greek Ϝ (digamma) and Υ (upsilon), Latin F and V, and the derived “Latin”- or “Roman”- alphabet letters U, W, and Y.

YHWH represents the Hebrew letters “Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh.” It was the name God gave for Himself when Moshe inquired of Him. In most modern translations it is usually written “LORD” (in capital letters) or “HaShem” (in the Hebrew Tanach, it means “The Name”). It has been improperly translated “Jehovah,” based on a German bastardization of YHWH and “Adonai.” The word “Jehovah” does not appear in the Hebrew language and is simply incorrect. YHWH is probably pronounced “Yahweh,” and means “I Am That I Am.” The implication is that God is completely self-sufficient.

Lord Haw-Haw was a nickname applied to the Irish-American William Joyce, who broadcast Nazi propaganda to Britain from Germany during the Second World War. The broadcasts opened with “Germany calling, Germany calling”, spoken in an affected upper-class English accent.

The same nickname was also applied to some other broadcasters of English language propaganda from Germany, but it is Joyce with whom the name is now overwhelmingly identified. There are various theories about its origin.

Spirit is the dielectric Nucleus, the pupil that sparks the life of the Iris Proton and gives space to the Electric Electron Eye ..


The Bible tells us that Man is made out of nothing; that is to say, his spirit, the real man, is from God, who is not a thing, but the eternal reality; but he is made into three somethings or substances, and these three constitute the whole of Man: they are himself, and he is they, and from them he receives all that is good or evil for him. Every state in which man can possibly enter is determined by number, measure, and weight. The “Three Substances” are the three forms or modes of action in which the universal primordial Will is manifesting itself throughout Nature, for all things are a Trinity in a Unity. The “Salt” represents the principle of corporification, the astringent or contractive and solidifying quality, or, in other words, the body; the “Sulphur” represents the expansive power — the centrifugal force, in contradistinction to the centripetal motion of the first quality — it is that which “burns,” i.e., the soul or light in all things; and the “Mercury” is the Life, i.e. that principle or form of will which manifests itself as life, or consciousness and sensation. Each of these forms of will is an individual power; nevertheless they are substantial, for “matter” and “force” are one, and originate from the same cause. The three substances, held together in harmonious proportions, constitute health; their disharmony constitutes disease, and their disruption death.The 360 degree Wheel is divided into four parts as our Brains as we have four elements we have four seasons, we have four metals,

When studying a new religion, philosophy, or esoteric tradition, always look for the trinities, the three Logoi or their principles, and when you have found them, the rest opens up.

Salt is of course Yin, the solidifying, the calcifying, Gravity, and Sulphur is Yang, light or warms, negative Gravity, and Mercury is the equilibrium between these two, a liquid metal.

images (13)

The Twin peaks is The Golden age again, we leave a 30-degree age in Pisces, Illusion Fog ruled by Jupiter as the age of Light began in the mind with Sagittarius, Jew Peter owns the Mutable signs of Fire and Water, Sagittarius and Pisces. Saturn rules Fixed Air SALT Aquarius male and Cardinal Earth Sulfur Capricorn. This is heaven and Earth this is our chance to return home. Jupiter wants to hold that throne all alone. They will fight, Jupiter takes Venus in Libra Male Cardinal Air and Mercury Gemini Mutable Male Air as his androgynous couple but they are both Mutable  adaptable Liquid Male. He tries to temp us with expansion and bright lights of fame and power so we remain adapts never master nor Grand Master Cardinal Gas.


Mercury rules the thermometer and as long as we can be made hot and cold as long as the weATher temperatures can be manipulated so can we. Women cannot lower themselves to an unequal equal, for men are women, they fell from XX Chromosomes passive to XY Chromosomes Active, prematurely in the womb. The Z race awaits those that remain in flesh. We leave the age of Pie rats Pisces Illusion and deception the age of I BELIEVE and enter the age of Pie Lots, I KNOW Aquarius AIR there will be an Air show to convince us of Outta Space, ignore it like a screaming spoilt child, the Charlatans of the Chariots of Fire age, the ChaLIES of Charlottes web turned Lots wife to Stone. As long as our humours can be played with, by the Jew Pete Aryans,  Freddy Michael is Jack sons, the Sultans of Bow HE Myan swing, it’s all a RAT’s Sodomy D’ART/RATagnan is the fourth corner closed in MicrOsoft 7, we cannot activate our third eyes… Once we are trapped in the fake ring..

Upside down Pie RAT or the true alchemist 

Saturn rules the Twin Peak age of our DNA returned to The higher Chakras, Spirit. Mercury and Jupiter MJ is simply the ruler of flesh, we can be reunited again as One, not the BEE HIVE Fake Luciferian upside down one. Saturn rules the 144 Doub EL G Old age Aquarius RED I KNOW Male Capricorn BLACK Female I DO …. we approach the time  when we find our other halves, each age the sun moves 72 degrees 72 + 72 is 144 And they were singing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders. No one could learn that song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. For it is these who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are virgins. It is these who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These have been redeemed from mankind as first fruits for God and the Lamb, and in their mouth no lie was found, for they are blameless

The Solar Red Pill AR is ruled by the Vatican the Church SOL, the Bible/EL BULL of BibbLIEcal Phoenicians, the Faux Knees The Phoneys.

The Lunar Blue Pill is ruled by the Free Masons the Occult Luciferians the Babble Babylonians the Below Knee The Baloney.

The chakra system has been inverted, The Sun Leo Babylon is Below the Knee The Moon Cancer is below the Faux knee… SATURN is the only planet to rule a DoubEL 00 7 AGE of the true Chakra Twin peaks of led to GOLD, we are the four tunes that become the 5th element of eather, as has the cross been inverted and perverted, it is as such.

You have to hold your own eye as the beholder

Atlas (anatomy) DIS’AM of I AM is ISLAM


One of the large, detailed illustrations in Andreas Vesalius‘s De humani corporis fabrica16th century, marking the rebirth of anatomy

Anatomy (Greek anatomē, “dissection”) is the branch of biology concerned with the study of the structure of organisms and their parts.[1] Anatomy is a branch of natural science which deals with the structural organization of living things. It is an old science, having its beginnings in prehistoric times.[2]Anatomy is inherently tied to embryologycomparative anatomyevolutionary biology, and phylogeny,[3] as these are the processes by which anatomy is generated over immediate (embryology) and long (evolution) timescales. Human anatomy is one of the basic essential sciences of medicine.[4] Anatomy and physiology, which study (respectively) the structure and function of organisms and their parts, make a natural pair of related disciplines, and they are often studied together.

The discipline of anatomy is divided into macroscopic and microscopic anatomy. Macroscopic anatomy, or gross anatomy, is the examination of an animal’s body parts using unaided eyesight. Gross anatomy also includes the branch of superficial anatomy. Microscopic anatomy involves the use of optical instruments in the study of the tissues of various structures, known as histology, and also in the study of cells.

The history of anatomy is characterized by a progressive understanding of the functions of the organs and structures of the human body. Methods have also improved dramatically, advancing from the examination of animals by dissection of carcasses and cadavers (corpses) to 20th century medical imaging techniques including X-rayultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging.

In anatomy, the atlas (C1) is the most superior (first) cervical vertebra of the spine.

It is named for the Atlas of Greek mythology, because it supports the globe of the head.[1]

The atlas is the topmost vertebra and with the axis forms the joint connecting the skull and spine. The atlas and axis are specialized to allow a greater range of motion than normal vertebrae. They are responsible for the nodding and rotation movements of the head.

The atlanto-occipital joint allows the head to nod up and down on the vertebral column. The dens acts as a pivot that allows the atlas and attached head to rotate on the axis, side to side.

The atlas’s chief peculiarity is that it has no body.[citation needed] It is ring-like and consists of an anterior and a posterior arch and two lateral masses.

The atlas and axis are important neurologically because the brain stem extends down to the axis.

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.


7thChakra, Crown Chakra Ultra Violet White Aether realm

6th Third Eye PurpEL Saturn,

5th Chakra, throat indigo Blue, Mercury

4th Chakra, Heart Green, Venus

3rd Chakra, Solar/Lunar Plexus Yellow/Gold

2nd Chakra Sacrum Desire Orange Jupiter

1st  Chakra Root sex Mars Red

The FAKE Light of Lucifer wants to keep us ANKHored on the Upside down cross

The seven metals of Alchemy are as the seven seas…


The cycle is split into four elements,

Earth Black Africa Female

Water White Europe female

Air Red America Male

Fire Yellow Asia Male

From Char RIOTS of FIRE To PI Rats of the Water to PI LOts’s Wife turned to Salt .. AIR it’s The Wheel of FOUR TUNES we are in the 👁️ of Z Bee Holder Catch me if you CAN Green Man Forest Grump.. Mr Tumnus and Peter Pan MJ is Jacks SON .. Hermes has Achilles HEELS .. RUN… Babylon is Below the KNEE and Phoenicia is FAUX KNEE … Its all phony baloney Mercury Jupiter TRICKS of the Trade.. The Lost BOYS

Aquarius age of AIR RED AMERICA NASA is North America South America the OuttA Space PI NEW AGE LOT …  The Royal Wind TSAR / Windsor are Romanian Gypsys from Bow Hemian RAT sodomy.. Sultans of SWING and 322 SKULL n BONES .. Pete’s TSAR PIZZA PIE FACTORY … Where did Rome get its name from? Where did it get its deities from.. for example: Mithras? Transylvania is a region in central Romania known for mysterious castles, like the Gothic fortress associated with the legend of Dracula, that translates to dragon, and in modern times has become interpreted to mean devil. The Romani, or Roma, are a traditionally nomadic ethnic group, living mostly in Europe and the Americas and originating from the northern regions of the Indian subcontinent. Gypsies speak a language (Romany) that is related to Hindi and are believed to have originated in South Asia.

Robert Sepehr is an author, producer and anthropologist specializing in linguistics, archeology, and paleobiology (archeogenetics). 

The end story is that we have to face the cycle, we fell and there is not going to be a fake feminism age ender bender Transgender … ender,  because in the age of Saturn we naturally become one again, this place will be hard to get to because the underworld always harvests the GOLD at this time. Identifying the trap that is right in front of us takes time, Saturn is he GAS Aether realm of Spirit. Transhumance is simply the moving of sheep from one age to another …

The Landes is a place in France BASQUE country where the Pie Rats invaded, the age of Pisces ends here, The Landes is in the 40th department… we are n0w in the 40 days and 40 nights of the Temptations, Venus is RetrOgrade from Libra in Virgin Virgo before she moves in Libra OMEGA … The Landes 40th stands between 32nd department of GRACE before 33 crucifixion, 32nd is Aignan, Arignee, where the labyrinth of Pan sits, and the 64th department of Biarritz, where the Flag is RED Aquarius and BLACK Capricorn, They KNOW … That Europe is OVER …

Mercury is the only way to control the weATher toGETher .. The Templars control our temperatures, TEMPLAR means KEY in Spanish and that’s why the LABYRINTH of SATURN is on our CHURCH we hold the MID EL KEY to our TEMPER RAT/ARC UR’s The Four Musketeers/Seasons/Continents/Elements D’RATaganan .. knew that EUROPE would end when the 32nd vertebrae had been reached.. before 33 crucifixion… The village of D’art/RAagnan is the LOUP/WOLF/LOOP DIAC ZODIAC wheel… or the Bridge over troubled water or the ARC of the covenant closed as the Labyrinth is closed.. Aignan is in the GRACE 32nd Vertebrae before X over to the new age of AIR Aquarius after 2,200 yrs in WATER Pisces.. 33 is Bordeaux where the Hanged Man is.. Europe is finished and the age of the Pie Rats becomes The PILOTS thats why Mont de Marsan MM Mickey Mouse is the AIR wave sign of the AIR WAVES that will now control our TEMP UR RAT URES Raptures or RAP RAT TRAP 40th department of the 40 nights and days of TEMPTATION is the capital of the Landes.. we are currently in those 40 days and 40 nights before the STORM The TEMPTATIONS expect an AIR SHOW to finish this age OFF… the Military Air Force are in Mont de Marsan MARSIANS Mars is Phoenicians and Venus is Babylonians that is the ARC of ALPHA OMEGA … because they were AL LIE ens MM ..TEMPLAR is the TEMPO our cardiac rhythms are overtaken if we don’t know inner alchemy, all medicine was and is about how we warm up, cool down and reduce our Humors, because that’s what we are when unconsious FLESH ON/OFF Tesla coil BATTERIES we are heated up and down by MEDIA .. with words our emotions are controlled.. The thermometer .. checks if we are HOT COLD DRY or MOIST as the planets regulate this they are HOT Moist Hot Dry Cold Moist and Cold Dry … we do have a PH between Alkaline and ACID which is Neutral, that is meant to be balanced so we don’t get DIS eased but no one tells us this.. to regulate our own body temperatures.. The TEMPEST is the T is the TestOSterone sTONE … we are organs of MUSIC .. The village of AIGNAN is where the state of GRACE is, Once the Capital of ARMAGNAC and owned by the Prince of WALES The DRAGON/DOGONS .. BLACK PRINCE .. The MID EL beat of the TEMPO of Europe WATER FEMININE WHITE .. to destabilize the whole planet the Town was Burned and The JEW PETER Aryans took over the MIDDAY BEAT they put JEW PETER as the fake LIGHT.. Freddy is Mercury the SON MJ or Michael jack’s SON.. of balance and Harmony .. we still have a SIREN as many places in France still do.. a daily MID DAY SCREAM because the SIREN is the HOWLING of the Mermaids tortured by the PIe RAts that killed the WHITE FISH COPPER BLOOD frequency .. SIREN is MerMAID in French … Église Saint-Saturnin d’Aignan .. AIGNAN comes from the days of Matriarchal Balance when we had 10 months per year and DECEMBER marked the X point of 10 Winter Solstice home of SATURN that rules Aquarius and Capricorn the 144 Doub EL TWIN age of PEACE 21st DECEMBER means TEN… Aignan means Spider or ARIGNEE because they new before the importance of the centrifugal force between electro magnetic Trinity that is the TempO of ALL LIFE .. Saturn is that mid EL PH balance .. Luckily many female souls from all over the world are working unconsciously to keep the HEART beat of EUROPE balanced in this Village we are many.. Many men have had heart attacks and Brain hemorrhage these past two years here, since 5G towers are being installed… The energy here is quite potent … Aignan is located 50 km from Auch, 88 km from Lourdes, 130 km from Toulouse and 140 km from the ocean. It is shaped like a HEART of a spider with 8 roads or legs that surround it..

First capital of Armagnac, Aignan, founded around 620 and later in furnished country house, experienced periods of unrest. Looted and burned in 1355 by the Black Prince, Romanesque churches and the Saint-Saturnin de Lartigue, then the church of Gothic architecture in Fromentas Gascon remain.

Transhumance is a type of pastoralism or nomadism, a seasonal movement of livestock between fixed summer and winter pastures. In montane regions (vertical transhumance), it implies movement between higher pastures in summer and lower valleys in winter. Herders have a permanent home, typically in valleys. Generally only the herds travel, with a certain number of people necessary to tend them, while the main population stays at the base. In contrast, horizontal transhumance is more susceptible to being disrupted by climatic, economic, or political change.[1]

Traditional or fixed transhumance has occurred throughout the inhabited world, particularly Europe and western Asia. It is often important to pastoralist societies, as the dairy products of transhumance flocks and herds (milkbutteryogurt and cheese) may form much of the diet of such populations. In many languages there are words for the higher summer pastures, and frequently these words have been used as place names: e.g. Hafod in Wales and Shieling in Scotland. 

Thus, the resurrection body, like the alchemical salt, forms a paradoxical ligature between transcendence and concretion, metaphysics and physics, spirit and body. While orthodox theologians such as Seraphim Rose draw on this and other passages to emphasise the Patristic doctrine that the body of Adam, the body that one will return to in resurrection, was (and is) different to one’s current, corruptible body, the ultimate nature of the “matter” of the resurrection body must remain a mystery. In this respect, Gregory of Nyssa’s remarks, from a treatise entitled ‘On the Soul and Resurrection’ may perhaps be taken as final:

The true explanation of all these questions is stored up in the treasure-houses of Wisdom, and will not come to the light until that moment when we shall be taught the mystery of Resurrection by the reality of it. […] to embrace it in a definition, we will say that the Resurrection is “the reconstitution of our nature in its original form”. [89]

The original form he refers to is, of course, the Adamic, i.e. adamantine body, with obvious parallels to the Indo-Tibetan vajra (diamond) body. As Rose emphasises, the only thing that is certain is that the resurrection body will be different from its current, i.e. corruptible, form. As to whether it is “spirit” or “matter”, or a nondual state that embraces yet supersedes both (per Corbin’s mundus imaginalis, which spiritualises bodies and embodies spirit), it is perhaps best to remain apophatic.

As C. F. D. Moule notes, however, the somewhat ambiguous relationship between the mortal and incorruptible bodies may well inhere in the fact that transmutation between them was possible: for Moule, the Pauline resurrection theology was ‘perhaps wholly novel and derived directly from his experience of Christ—namely, that matter is to be used but transformed in the process of obedient surrender to the will of God’. ‘Matter is not illusory’, continues Moule; it is ‘not to be shunned and escaped from, nor yet exactly destined to be annihilated […] Rather, matter is to be transformed into that which transcends it’. [90] These remarks approach the essence of the (nondual) alchemical œuvre in a way that confirms what one may call its theurgic and perhaps even tantric sense insofar as it recognises and embraces the body and matter as vehicles or foundations for liberation. In short, macrocosmically and microcosmically, material substance becomes a spiritual vehicle and instrument. 

Thank you for joining me, I hope you can join these dots… Please come to me for your alchemical readings, this is why i am here to help you through the chess game.

Today is the 26th October, I am born the 26th of Mars that is the ALPHA OMEGA, Aries Libra…. we are at the end of the lineal Char LIE  Lot’s whife Charlotts WEB. The Golden Ticket is the TRINITY, of 123, the birthday of my best friend from childhood, the great Granddaughter of Juliet Cameron the slave owner of my Great Great GrandMother, Mary Ryan, i wrote this article with no thinking of this, i just got it,  because Victoria COTTON Caught ON…  it is today we make that ARC as one.. The Bridge over troubled Water is completed. We are The 3 SPIN.  The Trinity is the whole.

Life is amazing i LOve you ……